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Monday, November 17, 2008


If it weren't so close to the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. I might have called this post "Love Fest '08." The fact is that I'm overwhelmed by your kindness lately and I want to let you know about it.

I spent the weekend with my mom, brother, and stepdad. They came for a visit and we had a great time, mostly eating! Mom was catching up on my blog here since she doesn't own a computer, and watching her reaction really had an effect on me. She didn't sob or freak out, but she just sat there with silent tears as she read. She finally put it aside and said she'd finish reading the printed copy later. It made me realize that although I sometimes feel alone in this valley, I'm really not alone. I'm not the only one who feels the pain of my own infertility. Sure, I may feel it the most - physically and emotionally, but I'm beginning to understand that my family grieves with us over this. They're sad and they feel pretty helpless about our situation. That makes me very sad too, but it also makes me thankful. They have stood by us through thick and thin, and they have never stopped hoping or praying for us.

In addition to family, I also have several faithful friends who have chosen to walk this path with us. They haven't given up on us even though it is taking a very long time and there has been little progress or rejoicing. They, like my family, have continued to encourage, pray, and try to understand what we're going through and how they can help. They are truly awesome friends!

Finally, there are those of you who have never even met us before but you choose to make a connection. You read these words and maybe leave a comment or send me an e-mail, or maybe you pray for us. I can't tell you how much it means to my husband and to me. Every day I can't wait to wake up and see what God will do. I love talking to new people all over the country (and world!) and realizing that I'm not alone. You guys inspire me. I hate that so many of you are dealing with infertility and/or miscarriage. But I praise God for bringing us together. I truly feel like I have a support group and some lifelong friends.

Some of you haven't been down this road but you still choose to get involved. For one reason or another your heart has been softened to this struggle and you keep coming back to support and encourage. There are many of you, but specifically, thank you Lauren for making a difference in my life this week! The post on your blog really touched my heart.

I know, it's a love-fest! Seriously, thank you. You should know that today I'm thanking God for you. Pat yourself on the back or give yourself a hug from me, and know that you're making a difference!


Andi said...

I do believe you've found a way to minister and be ministered to through your blog. I think your heart and your transparency are what make it so valuable. Great shout out from Lauren.

andrea_jennine said...

And we thank God for you!

Connie said...

This post meant so much to me, Stace, because it is so very true. I often times find myself sitting here weeping and feeling so very very helpless. The reason is because I love you so very much. I have such an overwhelming desire to protect you and "fix" this for you. I want to track down this infertility and kick it's butt for hurting my baby sister! That's what makes it hardest for me. I can't do anything to help you through this, I can't protect you through this. I WILL NEVER EVER EVER give up hope and I will NEVER stop praying.

Andrea said...

I was just thinking about this today. How my mom has been affected by this too. Really my whole family, but I know that she feels the strongest about it all. It is comforting to know that someone cares so much, but sad at the same time because she has to go through pain as well.

I am here for you and I'm glad to have met you as well! Reading your blog and chatting with you has been such an encouragement. You're a great example to all of us who are struggling with having a baby.

Sunny said...

Funny you should mention your mom and watching her reaction to your hurt. My mama isn't a crier. Saturday I had a huge breakdown in my car after we'd been somewhere together. We held hands and I listened to her stifle a cry while she prayed for me. I think it was the first time I really ever heard my mama pray for me. Like heard it - not just listened but heard it. My heart was overwhelmed by her love and her honest talk with Jesus. I'm thankful to have met you. You are a brave gal to put your heart out here like you do.

Alicia said...

The picture you painted of you Mom reading your blog was really touching and sweet. It really made me think of all the people that have been affected by my infertility. Thank you for being such an encouragement, as always!

God bless <><

Anonymous said...

Definitley the things that make this journey barable are our families and friends and of course the ones we pick up along the way.

Teresa & Connie said...

The feelings are so mutual girly. I gave you an award because your words touch me continually :)

Lauren said...

You're so sweet to even mention me in the same thoughts as the rest of this blog. My heart just aches for friends I hold dear - and bloggy friends I'm just now meeting! - who are traversing a long and hard road. I'm so glad to have found you. Praying for you and your readers ~ lauren

twondra said...

I found your blog through Lost and Found. I'm so sorry you're having a hard time. I'm thinking and praying for you and always here if you need me. (((HUGS)))

Katie said...

What a beautiful post.

It does help to remember the beautiful things that infertility brings into your life. I know that I have met so many wonderful people, online and in real life, that I would not have known otherwise.

Good for you for keeping the positive in mind. After all you've been through, that is truly amazing.

Amy said...


I would like to say thank you for the beautiful comment that you left for me. It is so hard sometimes to understand that there are others out there in this place with no shape, and full of sadness.

How blessed you are to still have your mother, and her love. Sometimes tears say more than words could ever express. I am blessed as well--and hope through time that I might get to know one lovely, kind, and caring person.

Thank you for you blog, your beautiful thoughts, and kind words.


Anonymous said...

I need just one word to describe you, your spirit, and your writing. Your treasure house in heaven is overflowing. God is so pleased with his good and faithful servant.
I am here, anytime....