To my dear husband,
How do I begin to say thank you for twelve wonderful years of marriage? Sometimes it feels as though we are still kids, just getting to know each other and loving every minute of it. Other times I think we are already a seasoned "old" couple who have been through so much together, know each other through and through, and still anticipate the years to come.
It hasn't always been smooth sailing since we said "I do." We had no way of knowing what was ahead, but I believed you that day when we held hands in front of God and family and friends and you spoke these words:
"I promise to forsake all others and cleave only to you. I promise to love, honor, comfort, and spiritually edify you. I take you from this day forth for better or for worse, in riches and in poverty, in sickness and in health, 'til death do us part. I promise to pray for you, to live with you in an understanding way, and to forgive you as God has forgiven me. I promise to give myself to you as Christ gave himself for us, to fulfill my duty to you and to be your spiritual leader. Therefore I receive you as God's lovely gift to me."
You didn't know it would mean nine years of infertility, six babies in heaven, dozens of doctor visits and surgeries, and countless sleepless, tearful nights, but I know you would have been by my side no matter what came our way.
Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for never, ever doubting God's ability to move in our situation. Thank you for always believing that we could one day fulfill our dream of bringing home a baby and raising children. I don't know how you did that, but you never wavered. I think if you had I may have lost every ounce of hope, resolve, and courage that has gotten us to this place. I knew that you would support me if at any time I had reached my breaking point and thought we should quit trying. You always made that clear. But every time I asked if you thought this would work one day, you answered with a resounding YES. You didn't know how, but you believed. I don't know if you'll ever truly understand how much that meant to me and how it kept me going for so many years.
Thank you for showing me that beautiful, godly men who truly loved and were faithful to their wives and families really do exist. I used to seriously doubt that, but you have restored my faith in love, in marriage, and in commitment.
Now we're on the verge of a whole new adventure and I'm ready to jump in with both feet, thankful that I have the chance to do this with you! You've always told me that "we make a good team," and I can't wait to see what a great father you will be. I already know what a gentle, humble, kind heart you have. I'm eager to see how well you will adapt to being the father of a little girl who will love and appreciate you as much as I do. And oh, I know that she will be the apple of your eye!
We have twelve great, memorable years behind us now and a whole lifetime ahead. I love you and the husband God made you to be more and more every day! Happy Anniversary.
Oh, congratulations! Much love, happy anniversary, happy baby-to-come!
Hope you have a lovely time. :)
Love this. We celebrate 8 years on Tuesday. Every year gets better and better and better...
Stacey, what a beautiful post. I know you are thankful for your husbands strength, faith and support in your journey, but can I just say this: If you are one tenth as lovely in real life as you seem to be from your blog then your husband is a lucky man indeed. I am sure he is thankful to have been able to be there for you. Happy Anniversary Stacey and Chuck!
What a beautiful letter! We will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary in a few weeks!
Hope you enjoyed your time away together!!
This brought tears to my eyes. It is indeed an amazing blessing to see our beloved beside us through the deepest grieving and most joyous celebrations and to grow together through all the seasons God brings us through. Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary sweet friends! You two are obviously a match made in Heaven and God is so good! Looking forward to seeing what the next 12 years will hold!
Awww, so sweet! Happy anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a great weekend!
What a beautiful post! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary. What a lovely post for your sweetheart.
Oh, how I remember that day. I was so proud to stand by your side. Part of me was sad though, because I would have to share you with someone else; someone who would get to know you as well or better than I know you. That wasn't an easy thing for me to do, but I am so thankful for Chuck and the husband he has been to you. I've never doubted his love for you one single minute. Knowing that you are loved and cherished and taken care of means everything to me, as your big sister. I love you, Stace! Congratulations on 12 wonderful years! May God richly bless you and your precious family with many more happy years together! XOXO
Congratulations on your 12th Anniversary. Beautiful photo. I just celebrated my 25th Anniversary. They only get better:) Hope you are having a great trip. Blessings,
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